在 GitHub 發現這個 2014 年的 repo,挺有回憶的,來講古緬懷一下好了 (老人貌)
2014 年,當時有位朋友在英國念完研究所進入到這家公司,得知公司要遠渡重洋來台灣找工程師(當年新聞整天在喊大資工時代即將到來,台灣軟體工程師很香~ 俗夠大碗,很多公司都名聞遐邇來徵才),就趕緊把這個資訊跟我分享,還記得當時熬著夜在寫前測作業、準備英文面試,最後一路順利拿到 Offer,但是... 數字是很欺負人的一個芭樂價,只好謝謝再聯絡了!
[前測作業內容] JCM-Assessment
Project:Develop a simple project by any language.
- It should includes 2 tables, the first one is Agent and 2nd is Contact. An agent can have many contacts and have one default contact.
- The CRUD functions for both tables in RESTful.
- Add a function to set a default contact for Agents.
- If you do it as web application, please deploy it to web services such like AWS or Heroku. If not, please enclose the executable files by .zip or .rar file when you reply the mail.
- Push the source code to Github, BitBucket or any source control system.
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