GraphQL Introduction

Nov 29, 2021
  1. 1. GraphQL Introduction Bobo Chen
  1. 2. Graph Like the Jira Query Language - the most powerful and flexible way to search for your issues in Jira QL (Query Language)
  1. 3. What is GraphQL
  1. 4.
  1. 5. What is GraphQL - A query language for API - 前身是 Facebook Graph Query Language - 朋友跟我有關聯,我可以拿到朋友的按讚清單、打卡記錄、開心農場 - Open source by Facebook - Facebook announced GraphQL back in 2012 and open sourced it in 2015
  1. 6. Timeline
  1. 7.
  1. 8. Benefits for us
  1. 9. Apps using GraphQL are fast and stable - They control the data they get, not the server.
  1. 10. A GraphQL Query is mirrored to it’s response.
  1. 11. Appendix
  1. 12. Appendix - - Can GraphQL Replace REST?. REST a robust, 20 years old standard… | by Maxime Topolov | GraphQL Portal | Medium
  1. 13. Laravel+GraphQ L
  1. 14. Schemas ● Query => 負責定義查詢時的參數以及處理。 ● Mutation => 負責資料的更新或是資料新增。 ● Type => 負責 Query 時回傳的資料格式。
  1. 15. 測試工具 mll-lab/laravel-graphql-playground

整理一下 GraphQL 思路

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