GraphQL Introduction 1. GraphQL Introduction Bobo Chen 2. Graph Like the Jira Query Language - the most powerful and flexible way to search for your issues in Jira QL (Query Language) 3. What is GraphQL 4. 5. What is GraphQL - A query language for API - 前身是 Facebook Graph Query Language - 朋友跟我有關聯,我可以拿到朋友的按讚清單、打卡記錄、開心農場 - Open source by Facebook - Facebook announced GraphQL back in 2012 and open sourced it in 2015 6. Timeline 7. 8. Benefits for us 9. Apps using GraphQL are fast and stable - They control the data they get, not the server. 10. A GraphQL Query is mirrored to it’s response. 11. Appendix 12. Appendix - - Can GraphQL Replace REST?. REST a robust, 20 years old standard… | by Maxime Topolov | GraphQL Portal | Medium 13. Laravel+GraphQ L 14. Schemas ● Query => 負責定義查詢時的參數以及處理。 ● Mutation => 負責資料的更新或是資料新增。 ● Type => 負責 Query 時回傳的資料格式。 15. 測試工具 mll-lab/laravel-graphql-playground整理一下 GraphQL 思路
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