Introducing a Google Cloud architecture diagramming tool

Feb 18, 2022

Google Cloud Architecture Diagramming tool

  • 透過拖拉的方式將想法轉換為系統架構圖,並且支援一鍵部署,看起來挺方便的!
回想起以前從事 Android 開發的時候,Google 後來也有推出這種方便工具,還標榜讓一般人都可以透過類似堆疊積木方式建立 APP,操作介面類似 Scratch,當時甚至有一派說法是 Android 開發會進入到 No-code / Low-code 的模式,是說最後那個 Android 工具就默默收起來了。


範例1. Deploy a Compute Engine application behind Load Balancer

  • 部署一組 Load Balancer + GCE
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「Open in Google Cloud Shell」一鍵部署
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注意 Cloud Shell 有每週用量限制
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範例2. Deploy a  three tier application using Cloud Run, Cloud SQL, Memorystore and Cloud Build

  • 部署經典的三層式應用架構
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Google Cloud Blog 官方公告內容

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You have a cloud use case… How do you go from idea to implementation?
  • The first step in your implementation journey is the architecture diagram. Having an architecture diagram is critical because it enables you to share the vision with the team, collaborate with them, iterate on the design, and create the final version that best meets the requirements for your business use case.
  • Sometimes you may know where to start, but other times a blank canvas can be intimidating. That’s when you can find some help in the form of a reference architecture, which you can use as a starting point and tweak further to fit your use case.
  • Once you have the use case reflected visually in the form of an architecture diagram you are ready to implement it in your project. But the translation process from architecture to implementation can also be a bit intimidating without some help. In these cases, it would be great to have a one-click deploy to get all your architectural components into your project.
To help you address these challenges, we are launching the brand new Google Cloud Architecture Diagramming Tool.

Features of the Architecture Diagramming Tool

1. Build architecture diagrams. The interface provides a list of all the Google Cloud products and services in one spot. They are organized by category (compute, database, and so on) and you can also search for products individually. No need to worry about finding the right icon or uploading an image from somewhere else – just focus on building the architecture with the components you need right there in the interface. The interface also lets you share your diagram with your team and colleagues or add it to documentation.
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3. Deploy with one click. Once you are happy with your architecture you need a simple way to just deploy it. You can deploy all the architecture components in Google Cloud with a single click. Right now, we have a few full architecture examples that you can deploy. Want to gives these a try?
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One more thing: The Architecture Diagramming tool is integrated with the Google Cloud Developer Cheat Sheet so you can easily check out the four-word descriptions and documentation linked to each component of your diagram.

Next Steps

After you’ve had a chance to explore these new tools, we want to hear from YOU! I am eager to hear your feedback on these resources and your ideas for similar content that will help make your learning journey easier. Share with me on LinkedIn or on Twitter @pvergadia

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